
Peach Plum Pastry

Tracking my culinary adventures and experiments as I enter the world of food blogging!

Peach plum pastry is the result of my combined love of baking, photography and writing! (and Joanna Newsom lyrics) The blog was born in January 2013, intended to be a log for the results of my (successful) culinary endeavours, and be a place I can reasonably outlet my obsession with baking.

I originate from, and currently reside in Newcastle Upon Tyne, although I spend a lot of time in York - both great foodie cities! My love for baking has always been there but lay semi-dormant until I was studying for my degree, during which I spent far too much time studying baking blogs and not enough studying linguistics. Baking has since become a bit of an addiction, my interest continuing to grow and flourish with every new experiment.

I love a new challenge, and am continually trying to expand my repertoire. I love the idea of making something which you might just overlook and buy - a technical challenge - similar to my approach to knitting; why buy a hat when you can make one?! I'm not an expert baker (although I am an expert eater) but I hope the blog is enjoyable all the same.

I also have a photography website, being a bit of an amateur photo enthusiast, which gets updated once every two years or so, and enjoy photographing my creations as much as I do making them!

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